I have been wondering if I should mention my political opinions on this site, as I have been ridiculed for my current presidential choice by both family, friends and neighbors. But, this is my blog, and my opinion, and my choice, so here goes...
I am a Barack Obama supporter. Phew...I said it. (...peeking out from under the desk...no spitballs coming my way, no angry glances, no veiled threats...although all that will probably come later.)
First, let me say, I have my own personal reasons for supporting Obama, and it has nothing to do with abortion. I hate that abortion has become such a major wedge issue in the campaign. My brief thoughts on abortion are as such: I don't support it, but I don't think making the procedure illegal with do away with it. Drugs are illegal, and we still have a problem with drugs. Prostitution is illegal, and yet we still have prostitutes. It is my belief that we need to find a way to reduce the number of abortions. But I don't think that outlawing them will make the issue go away.
I don't really wish to get into the candidates' policy discussions at this point (I will leave that to my brother). But I am a little surprised (naive, maybe) at the reaction I have received when I tell people that I support Obama. Living in conservative Clay County, people look at me like I have two heads. I've been accused of not doing my political research, and I've even had my Christian faith called into question. My neighbors, who are supporting McCain, have told me my taxes will go up (they won't), that Obama is "a scary man" (what??), that he's not a Christian (he is), and that I'll be wearing a burqa within two years of Obama being elected (I will not. And neither will anyone else.)
I have an Obama sign up in my yard, and sure enough...within 24 hours of me putting it up, someone took it down. Now, they were nice about it and actually put the sign in my garage, but still...the fact is...they took it down. It's going to be an interesting 55 days.