Sunday, November 2, 2008

Cowcat "Granlund" update

Well, Cowcat was still hanging around after we returned from Sea World. So...we "caught" her, brought her inside on Sunday night, and Monday we took her to the clinic. She's been spayed and had her shots, so I guess she's ours now. The boys love her, and I have to admit I was so happy when I saw her in our backyard on Sunday night (the night we returned from our trip.)

Update: She's been with us for a week now, and things are going fine. But, I did make the mistake of letting her out with us in the backyard on Thursday while we were playing. She stayed in the backyard for a while, chasing lizards and trying to catch a mole, but eventually I looked over and she was gone. We have a hole in our fence, and I suspect she took full advantage of it and decided to visit some of her old haunts. She was gone for about 5 hours. I was worried sick, kept checking outside every 5 minutes. But, Luke found her (in the neighbor's yard) when he got home.

Guess I should look into getting her a collar.

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