Monday, June 30, 2008

Better to laugh than cry, right?

Ok - at this very moment, both of my kids are screaming their heads off. They're both in their respective beds, it's 8:07 pm, which is a little early for them (recently they've been heading to bed around 9:00), and they're both just screaming. The littlest one seems mad about something, but repeated checks have shown that he has both his binky ("baba") and his blanket, so I am unsure what's going on there. The oldest one is going to bed early because he's had several late nights in a row, and today he had about 20 meltdowns, so sleep, or lack thereof, has definitely become an issue. He's also unhappy b/c his father has put his foot down on the repeated attempts to come out of his room. Usually there's a trip out to tell us he loves us. Then a trip out to go to the bathroom. Then a trip out to get a drink. Then a trip out to see what we're doing....

So I am sitting here at the computer, feeling as if I'm about to start crying, too. But instead, I start laughing. I mean, laughing is better than crying, right? Even if it does mean your kids have possibly driven you to the brink of insanity?

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Ahhhh...nap time

Nap time is a good time at my house. Once both boys are asleep, I let out a big sigh and close my eyes. It' so quiet....I love it. I love the kids, truly I do, but they are such busy bodies! Especially the older one! So, I greatly look forward to nap time, when I can check email, catch up on the news, read Newsweek, watch The Daily Show...or, even nap myself. It's a good thing. :)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Depressing, but I suspect true

I had some time to myself last night, after the kids went to bed (and my hubby was traveling), so I downloaded a bunch of podcasts and went to work around the house.

So, I listened to a Diane Rehm episode last night that confirmed my fears. We, as a people, are so plugged in to our various devices (ipod, anyone?) that we are slowly losing touch with each other. And, also, that we are just skimming the surface when it comes to understanding complex issues because we don't have any quiet time anymore to sit and figure things out. The idea of sitting quietly by ourselves to do some deep thinking about a complicated subject is almost a foreign one. That is why our news broadcasts are more concerned about what the "fist bump" means than what the true differences are in the candidates' health care policies. We, as viewers/listeners, often find the health care debate (or other policy debate) so hard to understand that we tune out, searching instead for a lighter fare. I don't want to say we're get dumber, but maybe we truly are. We fill up and fill in every waking moment with something: the TV, the Internet, an ipod, a video game, the radio... And these things are generally solo activities, which is slowly eroding our ability to personally and physically interact with each other.

It was a depressing show, but a very good one. I would recommend it. It aired on 6/16 and was called Distraction and Democracy.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

My First Post on My First Blog

Okay. So, this is my first post. Can't believe I'm as old as I am (or as young as I am?), and have never blogged before. Hmmm...are you supposed to share your age on these things?

I've been thinking about creating a blog for some time, and after crying my eyes out in church this morning~over any number of things~I decided on the way home that today was the day to set it up. I imagine blogging can be very cathartic. And I am in the need of some catharsis right now.

I'm still debating whether I should share this address with anybody or not. I want to feel free to post what comes to mind, but something inside me says it would be prudent to hold back. Or at least hold some things back. After all, this is a public forum. I'll guess we'll see how this develops.

I suppose before I sign off that I should explain my blog name. The last chapter of Proverbs, chapter 31, discusses the virtues of a Godly woman. There are many, and I fall way short in most areas, but I like the description of the woman presented in that chapter. My goal is to be that kind of woman. It is hard. Life seems hard right now. But when I am called to account for my life, I want to have lived a life like this.