Monday, June 30, 2008

Better to laugh than cry, right?

Ok - at this very moment, both of my kids are screaming their heads off. They're both in their respective beds, it's 8:07 pm, which is a little early for them (recently they've been heading to bed around 9:00), and they're both just screaming. The littlest one seems mad about something, but repeated checks have shown that he has both his binky ("baba") and his blanket, so I am unsure what's going on there. The oldest one is going to bed early because he's had several late nights in a row, and today he had about 20 meltdowns, so sleep, or lack thereof, has definitely become an issue. He's also unhappy b/c his father has put his foot down on the repeated attempts to come out of his room. Usually there's a trip out to tell us he loves us. Then a trip out to go to the bathroom. Then a trip out to get a drink. Then a trip out to see what we're doing....

So I am sitting here at the computer, feeling as if I'm about to start crying, too. But instead, I start laughing. I mean, laughing is better than crying, right? Even if it does mean your kids have possibly driven you to the brink of insanity?

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