Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I am not an exerciser. I know I need to, but I admit, I am lazy. And that laziness seems to overrule the common sense that tells me to get my butt moving. And, I always justify my lack of formal exercise by saying that I chase two small children around all day...that should count for something, right?
Well, we were up at the YMCA tonight, and L talked me into taking a class called "Flex It." It was a good class, lots of weight training, but let me say that it is actually hurting my arms to type right now.
I originally titled this post "Sore," but I am not sore yet. That will undoubtedly come tomorrow. Right now, I am just weak. I can barely move. It feels as if I have weights tied to my arms and legs. Not good. I just put D to bed, and I could barely lift him up over his crib rails.
Something tells me I might not be able to get out of bed tomorrow...

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