Friday, October 31, 2008

Is it...

...Tuesday yet??? I'm ready for this to be over.

(Go Obama!)

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Ok, so I was knocking on doors this evening, encouraging folks to vote for Obama. And, because this was my first time canvassing, I was paired up with another volunteer. He was a young guy, and we were just making chit-chat as we walked. I asked him what his "day job" was, and he said he was a high school senior.

And right then...I felt really old. I am twice as old as he is.

(In fact, he won't turn 18 until 4 days after the election. He can't even vote! Talk about dedication to a candidate.)

Cat update

We've decided to keep Cowcat.

I visited the home where I thought her "other" owners lived, and I learned that she isn't their cat either. They told me that she just showed up one day and that they had fed her out of pity. They gave me their blessing to keep her, so I feel much better knowing that we've aren't pursuing someone else's cat (that I know of).

We've ordered flea medication for her, and we've made an appointment to take her to the vet for spaying and shots in two weeks.

I want to have her spayed now, but we're taking a vacation to Sea World next week, and the idea of leaving a strange cat in the house, with our other cat, didn't seem appealing. So, the day after we get back is the day she goes to the vet. I just hope she's still around by then. (fingers crossed)


I am knocking on doors today for the Obama campaign. Should be interesting. I'll let you know how it goes.

Update: I was scheduled to volunteer between 4 and 6. I went to the Obama headquarters and was then directed to a "staging area." The staging area was the house of a volunteer who had agreed to open her home to volunteers to meet, eat, share notes, etc. Sort of a home-base for volunteers who are out canvassing neighborhoods. So, I went to said house, which happened to be in Loche Raine, where I met some members from Team Two. They compared notes about the people they had met during the day. (Some of them had been canvassing since 10:00am!) Then, we were off for more canvassing. We were sent to the Red Oaks subdivision off of Moody. The group I was with knocked on 15 doors in the neighborhood, but only 5 people answered their door. Everyone was friendly. (These were people who had donated to democrats in the past or who were registered democrats.) We were encouraging them to vote early (starts on the 20th!) and avoid the lines. After that, it was about 6pm, and my volunteer time was over. It was fun and I'd like to do it again. Luke said he's worried I'll run across some racist nutjob who'll try to do me harm, but I doubt it. These are democrats, afterall. :)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A new cat??

A neighborhood kitten seems to have adopted us. We call her "CowCat" because Luke says her coloring looks like that of a dairy cow.

I'm guessing she's only a few months old because she is small, and somewhat skinny, but she's starting to enter that phase where she's more legs than anything else.

We made the big mistake of putting some food out for her on the porch, and now she won't go back to her "other" home (across the street and 5 houses down). She appears to be an outdoor cat.

The boys love her. She is very friendly, and small enough that the boys can pick her up. (Our current cat, Chessie, is too big and heavy for them to pick up, plus, she's not crazy about the kids and wouldn't stay still long enough for them to actually try to pick her up.)

I'm not sure what to do about CowCat. She's sweet, and it's become a game for her to run inside when we open the front door. The boys think this is hilarious. They like to feed her and pet her. But, she's not ours. I don't know if her other household is missing her, or it they could care less that she spends more time with us.

I also don't know if her current owners have given her any shots, or had her fixed, or given her any flea treatments. I'd give her some our flea treatment, except I don't want to overdose her.

But most importantly, I don't know if I want another cat. For those of you who know us, we've lost three animals this year. One other cat and two dogs. It's been a rough year for the animals at our house, and we are getting used to having just Chessie around. I'm just not sure if I want to add another animal into the mix at this point.

A picture will come shortly.


Well, our TV started acting funky a week or two ago, with black lines running across the screen. And then last week, it stopped working, intermittently. I didn't mind watching through the lines, but when the TV would shut itself off, that was rather annoying.

Luke, of course, was ecstatic about this turn of events. "Gee, honey, I guess we're going to have to get a new TV," he said with a huge smile. "That's too bad. But hey, while we're at it, we might as well upgrade to HDTV." He is thrilled about the prospect of watching the Jags play in high def.

The sad part is that we will have to give up our Tivo because our current Tivo system is not compatible with all the new, upgraded equipment. We love Tivo. I don't know when I last watched a commercial. The new TV will have DVR capabilities, too, but I've heard it's not as good as Tivo. :(

The new TV arrives on Thursday.