Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Well, our TV started acting funky a week or two ago, with black lines running across the screen. And then last week, it stopped working, intermittently. I didn't mind watching through the lines, but when the TV would shut itself off, that was rather annoying.

Luke, of course, was ecstatic about this turn of events. "Gee, honey, I guess we're going to have to get a new TV," he said with a huge smile. "That's too bad. But hey, while we're at it, we might as well upgrade to HDTV." He is thrilled about the prospect of watching the Jags play in high def.

The sad part is that we will have to give up our Tivo because our current Tivo system is not compatible with all the new, upgraded equipment. We love Tivo. I don't know when I last watched a commercial. The new TV will have DVR capabilities, too, but I've heard it's not as good as Tivo. :(

The new TV arrives on Thursday.

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